Définition Du Retard
dfinition - retard. signaler un problme. retard (n.m.). 1.ralentissement du mcanisme d'une horloge. 2.fait d'arriver, d'agir trop tard, de causer du retard.. Dfinition de retard. nom masculin singulier. Fait d'arriver trop tard. tat de ce qui est moins avanc.... Retard : dfinition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue franaise. Dfinition : Fait d'arriver aprs le.... ... an offensive term to throw around. Add to List... Thesaurus Share It. Definitions of retarded. 1 ... retardretardedretardingretardsretardation. the "retard" family.. Retard definition, to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede. See more.. retard definition: Retard is an offensive and insulting slang word used to refer to someone with mental challenges. (noun) A person with a very low IQ who suffers.... Dfinition : (fr-rg|??.ta?) retard (m). Fait darriver, de se produire plus tard que prvu. - Veuillez excuser mon retard. - Mon train est en retard. - Vous avez un.... Retard definition: If something retards a process, or the development of something, it makes it happen more... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and.... In modern use, retard is an denigrating term either for someone with a mental disability or for ... "the definition of retard". www.dictionary.com. Retrieved October.... retard definition: 1. to make something slower: 2. a stupid or mentally slow person: 3. to make something slower: . Learn more.. retard dfinition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'retard',retarder',combler un retard',se retarder', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme,.... Dfinition de retard TLFi. RETARD, substantif masculin. A. . 1. a) Fait d'arriver, de survenir aprs le moment attendu. [Prcd du partitif] Accumuler,.... retarded; retarding; retards. ... Other Words from retard Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More about retard. ... Verb The chemical will retard the spread of fire.. Define RETARD (verb) and get synonyms. What is RETARD (verb)? RETARD (verb) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.. What does retard mean? retard is defined by the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as Delay or hold back in terms of progress or development.. Noun. retard (plural retards). Retardation; delay. (music) A slowing down of the tempo; a ritardando. (offensive, dated) A person with mental retardation.. Dfinitions de retard. Action, fait d'arriver trop tard, de faire quelque chose plus tard qu'il ne faudrait : Un retard dans le paiement des factures. Cet lve arrive.... Back. Loading... Top definition ... feel special" Urban dictionary voter: "fuck off you stupid retard" ... Get the mug. Get a retards mug for your sister-in-law Rihanna.. Dfinition du dictionnaire Littr. Mediadico; Acadmie Franaise; Anagrammes; Usages; Mots Proches. > RETARD. Prononciation : re-tar ; le d ne se lie pas ; au...
Est-ce que le train de X a du retard? (Triolet, Prem. accroc, 1945, p. 415). [Dtermin par un compl. ou par un adj. poss.]...
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